Welcome Members & Guests
The Drag-Ens Hot Rod Club was first formed in August 1962 when five enthusiastic hot rodders, knowing nothing about club administration, elected a committee, set fees at 2/6 per week and decided to hold meetings every two weeks.
Suddenly the club was inundated with members and the membership grew to a record number of 98. As the club at this stage catered for street hot rodders, drag racing rods and customised cars, the name of the club was changed to Drag-Ens Rod and Kustom Club.
The early sixties saw the birth and fall of many clubs as rodding was growing too fast for many of the inexperienced club officials. Clubs were engaged in drag racing, hot rod and custom car shows, rod runs, the formation of administrative bodies and publicity for public relations.
Many applications for club membership were from people interested in membership as a status symbol or social outlet rather than to become genuine hot rodders. Some discontent broke out within the Drag-Ens due to this and the dissimilarity of interest.
The club committee, realizing what was taking place, took action by tightening up the club constitution and putting pressure on persons not of any real value to the club. Some breakaway clubs were formed from the Drag-Ens whilst other members resigned and left hot rodding altogether.
During this period, the club had achieved what had been planned, although it also cost the club a few good members. As it turned out, nearly all members remaining were street rodders and a very tight club emerged. The name of the club was then changed back to Drag-Ens Hot Rod Club and any new members admitted were required to be at least building a street rod.
It was at that time it was decided to restrict club cars to those of American origin and manufactured prior to 1941.
From this point on the club began to prosper. Scrutineers (members with some considerable rodding experience) were appointed within the club to make progress reports on rods under construction. Members with negative reports placed their membership in jeopardy. This policy, (which continues to-day) together with a membership limit of twenty-five (now forty) full members, accounts for the present high standard of membership and a waiting list of prospective new members.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our website.
PO Box 63 Milperra NSW 2214 Australia | secretary@drag-ens.com

From the Drag-ens first original committee pictured in 1962, to a list of our current serving Management, Scrutineers, Event and Social committee members
Commencing in 1977, the world’s longest running, free Entry Rod Run, held annually for over a week at the Valla Tourist Park near Nambucca Heads, NSW
An event held annually on Crowdy Beach on the North Coast of NSW, which recreates the historic exhibition, bracket sprints and grudge matches over a measured distance of classic hot rods, vintage race cars and vintage bikes.
Valla Rod Runs

Special Thanks
The Drag-ens Hot Rod Club Inc, wishes to acknowledge and thank the following persons who graciously contributed material to the creation of this website: Aperture Blue, The Flattrakers, Side Valve Studios, Madman Productions