43rd Valla Rod Run
Valla 2019 Statistics
Pre 48 rods registered and in the park - 373
Rookies - 49
Rods at Cookies Custom Exhaust Raleigh Raceway Go Whoa/Burnout Comp - 163
Pre 48 rods at the Drag-Ens show and shine - 297
Manufacturers Statistics
Fords - 264
Chevs - 29
Dodges - 8
Willys - 6
Plymouths - 5
Other - 7
Body Style Statistics
Coupes - 72
Roadsters - 69
Tudors - 54
Pickups - 44
Sedans - 36
Tourers - 20
Utes - 12
Buckets - 5
Other - 6
Major Sponsor
43rd Valla Top Ten and Event Winners
Cookies Custom Pipes and Exhaust
Bowden's Own Car Care
Nambucca Shire Council
Valla Beach Tourist Park
Pro Line Fencing
Fakes Engineering
Bluey Custom T-shirts and Trophies
Graffiti Publications
Early Time Auto's
Thank You's
Radio Station, Valla DJ's
Rural Fire Brigade Graham Bartlett
Alicia & Jason O'Bryan Aperture Blue Photography
Daniel Horne, Fishing Comp
Sandra Horne, Kid's Disco
Toni and Rick Pacey, Top Cruiser trophy
Taree Street Rodders for the Pancake Breakfast