Summer Cruise Benefit Night
Saturday 15 January 2011
The Club hosted a Cruise Night on Saturday 15 January 2011 with proceeds going to Renee Longford, the daughter of one of our life members, John Longford.
Renee was recently diagnosed with an aggressive type of bone cancer. The Club members decided to help by organising a cruise night at our clubrooms with all proceeds going to Renee.
The night started about 6.00pm and it wasn’t long before the car park was filled with Hot Rods, Customs and American Muscle Cars. There were many more vehicles parked in the street. All in all there were in excess of 100 cars.
The Flattrakkers provided the music for the evening and the kids were entertained with a giant jumping castle. The members were kept busy cooking the BBQ for the crowd of over 500 people. A monster raffle was held during the night with prizes donated by various members and other supporters of the evening.
It was a great night which was enjoyed by all and we thank everyone for their support. We were able to hand Renee an amount of $3000.00 which will assist her and her family during this difficult time.
A special thanks must go to Mick and Pam Cooley who co-ordinated the night as well as all the members who donated items for the raffle.
Here are a few photos taken during the night.

Interclub Bowling Challenge
Sunday 3 July 2011
The annual interclub ten pin bowling challenge was a great success and was attended by over 70 people. Members and their families from Macquarie Towns HRC, Blue Mountains HRC, Romans and Drag-Ens enjoyed a great social day. We had 11 members, some with their partners and kids.
The day started with lunch at the Macquarie Towns clubrooms followed by a cruise to the Bowling Alley at Windsor.
A Macquarie Towns team had the highest team average on the day therefore retaining the trophy for another year. Second placed team was Graham Galloway’s team from the Drag-Ens and third was Mick & Ben Cooley’s team from the Drag-Ens.
The highest male game was Ken Hiatt (Drag-Ens) with 194. The highest female game was Christine Galloway (Drag-Ens) with 197.
Here are some photos from the day.